Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) researchers presented wildfire-related research February 19 at the 2014 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference in Washington DC. Entitled “Application of Advanced Electrical Waveform Monitoring and Analytics for Reduction of Wildfire Risk,” the paper highlights multiple cases in which TEES research on intelligent power line monitoring detected failures that, left uncorrected, could lead to fires.
A link to the presentation slides is available here.
TEES is the premier engineering research agency of the state of Texas, with a mission to produce and transfer high-quality, relevant engineering and technological research that provides practical answers to critical state and national needs. TEES, with cooperation from the Texas A&M Forest Service and the electric utility industry, is conducting a multi-year project, funded by the Texas State Legislature, to investigate the application of advanced power line monitoring technologies to mitigate the risk of wildfires.